My dear friend, Helen, had a little get-together last night to celebrate her birthday. Helen is fabulous -- volunteers at her children's schools, works part time in an amazing needlepoint shop, serves on many charitable boards in our area, and does all of this with a graciousness that I envy and admire. What on earth does someone get Helen for a birthday present?!
Well, I made something. This is a pattern I've used before. My Grey Colt Christmas Stocking for 2013 was modeled on this little Matroyshka doll. I've also made them for my group of dear friends here in Hudson. And, my dog Ella's Christmas stocking has one. For Helen, I started with a beautiful wool plaid and pulled out the spruce blue/green as the background. Obviously, she had to have brown wavy hair like Helen does. Then, I pulled out the raspberry, the gold, and more blue to do the embellishing. Some of the stitches come from my Sue Spargo book that I'm using as my muse this year.
I think she came out great but, most importantly, I know Helen will love receiving something handmade.